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Box City Vigil 2019

05/15/2012, 11:15pm CDT
By Webmaster

Find registration here!

 It’s that time of year again! Box City Vigil is an annual event that takes place each spring held at the Minnesota State Capitol. The primary goal of BCV is to raise awareness for youth homelessness in our home state.

As many as 2,500 youth are homeless on any given night in Minnesota, but there are fewer than 50 beds designated for homeless youth in the Twin Cities. By participating, you are sending a message to capable adults that you care about this and want to make a difference.

At the event we will provide cardboard boxes, plenty of snacks, and there will be a midnight pizza delivery! Throughout the night, you will hear speakers, listen to great music, and learn about homelessness and homeless youth.

Find out more info about Avenues here: 
Avenues facebook group:

Box City Vigil an amazing experience you’ll never forget. Don’t miss it!

Please fill out the registration packets and return them as soon as possible. Registration packets will be available in the main offices of both Kennedy and Jefferson, as well as downloadable off the page very soon! If you want a shirt, your forms must be completed and turned in by Tuesday May 15th. If your forms are not in by then, please bring them with you to the event. You are still more than welcome to participate, but will not be guaranteed a t-shirt.



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