Bloomington United for Youth (BUY) will host the annual BUY Volunteer
Recognition Event on Tuesday, February 7th to honor youth, adults, and community
groups that make a positive difference through volunteerism.
BUY is a volunteer organization that works to engage the entire Bloomington
community in the positive development of youth. BUY is composed of members
from local government, schools, the faith community, businesses, civic and service
organizations, as well as youth. BUY’s philosophy is based on the 40 Development
Assets developed by the Search Institute.
Awards are given in the areas of Individual Youth Recognition, Youth Organization
Recognition, Individual Adult Recognition, and Community Group Recognition.
The criteria for the BUY Volunteer Recognition Awards are as follows:
Criteria for Individual Youth Recognition:
1. Resident of/or student in Bloomington in grades 6-12.
2. Activity should be done as a volunteer.
3. Youth has demonstrated volunteer services for a committed amount of time.
Criteria for Youth Organization Recognition
1. Organization should be composed primarily of volunteers grades 6-12
2. Group has demonstrated volunteer services for a committed amount of time.
Criteria for Individual Adult Recognition:
1. Activity should be done as a volunteer.
2. Activity should benefit Bloomington youth.
3. Adult has demonstrated volunteer services for a committed amount of time.
Criteria for Community Groups Recognition:
1. Organization should be composed of primarily volunteers.
2. Activity should benefit Bloomington youth.
3. Group has demonstrated volunteer services for a committed amount of time.
If you know someone who meets these criteria, please go to and complete a nomination form by Sunday, January 29. Submissions can be accepted electronically or by mail. If you have questions please contact or 952-681-6527
PDF Download: Coming Soon